Source code for bran

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Bran provides DER-Encoded ASN.1 Serialization and Deserialization.

Other serialization methods abound, but DER-encoded ASN.1 is used in
cryptography for one particular reason: given the same object, its encoding
is the same, which means hashes over its encoded form are.

For much the same reason, DER-encoded ASN.1 is useful in other contexts.

__author__ = 'Jens Finkhaeuser'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Jens Finkhaeuser'
__license__ = 'MIT +no-false-attribs'
__all__ = ('hash')
__version__ = '0.4.0'

[docs]class DERTranscoder(object): """ DER-encode Python builtin (and extended) types. The class first uses ASN1Transcoder to encode valuesin ASN.1 classes, then DER-encodes the result. """ def __init__(self, inner = None): """ Initialize DERTranscoder. The sole parameter is a reference to an inner decoder. If not specified, this defaults to an ASN1Transcoder instance with default options. :param object inner: [optional] Inner transcoder """ self.inner = inner or ASN1Transcoder()
[docs] def encode(self, value): """ DER-encode the given value. Nested values are encoded recursively. :param mixed value: The value to encode. :return: An DER-encoded ASN.1 value, i.e. a byte sequence. """ from pyasn1.codec.der import encoder return encoder.encode(self.inner.encode(value))
[docs] def decode(self, value): """ DER-deocde the given byte sequence. :param bytes value: The value to decode. :return: A Python value, the result of passing the parameter through DER decoding and ASN.1 decoding. """ from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder decoded = decoder.decode(value) return self.inner.decode(decoded[0])
[docs]class ASN1Transcoder(object): """ Transcode Python builtin (and extended) types to and from ASN.1 classes. Note that encoding is lossy with regards to specialized types. For many Python builtin types, there are corresponding universal ASN.1 data types available. For tuple() and list(), we use explicit tagging (which, when DER-encoded, takes up a few extra Bytes of space) to disambiguate one kind of sequence from another. Any collections.Sequence that is not specifically a list is encoded as a tuple(), any additional type information. Similarly, any collections.Mapping is encoded in the same way, and so is any collections.Set. If you use special subtypes of these Abstract Base Classes, that type information is lost. Still, it means that any nested structure will result in an equality- comparable nested structure, which is all that often times is required. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize the transcoder. Keyword arguments are stored as options. Some such recognized options are: :param bool sort: Either a key sorting function, or False. If False, no sorting is performed. The default is to perform key sorting using the sorted() function. :param Mapping registry: A collections.Mapping, with keys specifying either Python types (not names/strings, but the type objects), or ASN.1 tags (stringified, e.g. "[0:0:6]"). The value must be a callable that converts from objects of the Python type to an ASN.1 object or from an ASN.1 object matching the stringified tag to a Python object. """ self.options = kwargs from pyasn1.type import univ, tag # Tags for complex self.COMPLEX = univ.Sequence( tagSet = univ.Sequence.tagSet.tagExplicitly( tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x01) ) ) # Tags for collections.Sequence self.TUPLE = univ.Sequence( tagSet = univ.Sequence.tagSet.tagExplicitly( tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x02) ) ) self.LIST = univ.Sequence( tagSet = univ.Sequence.tagSet.tagExplicitly( tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x03) ) ) # Tags for collections.Mapping self.MAPPING = univ.Sequence( tagSet = univ.Sequence.tagSet.tagExplicitly( tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x04) ) ) # Tags for collections.Set self.SET = univ.Set( tagSet = univ.Set.tagSet.tagExplicitly( tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0x05) ) )
[docs] def encode(self, value): """ Encode the given Python value. Nested values (for Sequence, Set and Mapping) are recursively encoded. :param mixed value: The value to encode. :return: An ASN.1 class encapsulating the value. """ import six, collections from pyasn1.type import univ, char if value is None: return univ.Null() elif isinstance(value, bool): return univ.Boolean(value) elif isinstance(value, six.integer_types): return univ.Integer(value) elif isinstance(value, float): return univ.Real(value) elif isinstance(value, complex): return self.__encode_complex(value) elif isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray, six.binary_type)): return univ.OctetString(bytearray(value)) elif isinstance(value, six.text_type): return char.UTF8String(value.encode('utf8')) elif isinstance(value, collections.Mapping): return self.__encode_mapping(value) elif isinstance(value, collections.Set): return self.__encode_set(value) elif isinstance(value, collections.Sequence): return self.__encode_sequence(value) else: return self.__encode_from_registry(value)
def __encode_from_registry(self, value): registry = self.options.get('registry', {}) # If we find the value class in the registry, we can use that to create # a custom ASN.1 type. klass = type(value) encoder = registry.get(klass, None) if encoder is None: raise TypeError('Cannot encode value of type "%s"!' % (klass,)) if not callable(encoder): raise ValueError('Bad registry entry "%s" for class "%s"; expect a ' 'callable!' % (encoder, klass)) # First call is for encoding return encoder(value) def __encode_complex(self, value): # Encode complex() values val = self.COMPLEX.clone() val[0] = self.encode(value.real) val[1] = self.encode(value.imag) return val def __encode_sequence(self, value): # Everything except for lists get coerced to a tuple base = self.TUPLE if isinstance(value, list): base = self.LIST val = base.clone() # Sequences can't be re-ordered for idx, item in enumerate(value): val[idx] = self.encode(item) return val def __encode_mapping(self, value): # coerce to dict val = self.MAPPING.clone() # Force ordering of keys by default. Turn keys into a list for Python 3.4 # compatibility. keys = list(value.keys()) sorter = self.options.get('sort', sorted) if sorter is not False: keys = sorter(keys) for idx, key in enumerate(keys): val[idx] = self.encode((key, value[key])) return val def __encode_set(self, value): # Everything is a set val = self.SET.clone() # Force ordering of items by default items = value sorter = self.options.get('sort', sorted) if sorter is not False: items = sorter(items) for idx, item in enumerate(items): val[idx] = self.encode(item) return val
[docs] def decode(self, value): """ Decode the given ASN.1 class into a Python value. Nested values (for Sequence, Set and Mapping) are recursively decoded. :param mixed value: The value to decode. :return: An Python value. """ # import six, collections from pyasn1.type import univ, char if isinstance(value, univ.Null): return None elif isinstance(value, univ.Boolean): return bool(value) elif isinstance(value, univ.Integer): return int(value) elif isinstance(value, univ.Real): return float(value) elif isinstance(value, char.UTF8String): from six import text_type return text_type(value) elif isinstance(value, univ.OctetString): from six import binary_type return binary_type(value) elif isinstance(value, (univ.Sequence, univ.SequenceOf)): # Look for sub type tags if value.isSameTypeWith(self.COMPLEX): return complex( self.decode(value[0]), self.decode(value[1]) ) if value.isSameTypeWith(self.TUPLE): return tuple(self.__sequence_iter(value)) if value.isSameTypeWith(self.LIST): return list(self.__sequence_iter(value)) if value.isSameTypeWith(self.MAPPING): ret = {} for key, value in self.__sequence_iter(value): ret[key] = value return ret elif isinstance(value, (univ.Set, univ.SetOf)): ret = set() for item in self.__sequence_iter(value): ret.add(item) return ret else: return self.__decode_from_registry(value)
def __decode_from_registry(self, value): registry = self.options.get('registry', {}) # If we find the value tagset in the registry, we can use that to create # a custom ASN.1 type. from .util import stringify tagset = stringify(value.tagSet) decoder = registry.get(tagset, None) if decoder is None: raise TypeError('Cannot decode value tag set "%s"!' % (tagset,)) if not callable(decoder): raise ValueError('Bad registry entry "%s" for tag set "%s"; expect a ' 'callable!' % (decoder, tagset)) # First call is for encoding return decoder(value) def __sequence_iter(self, seq): # Iterate through a univ.Sequence, decode and yield each item idx = 0 while True: try: item = self.decode(seq[idx]) yield item idx += 1 except IndexError: break raise StopIteration